Meet Melinda Perino-Bebb

Melinda was born into the restaurant business. At the age of six she was peeling potatoes and chopping parsley with a chef's knife, and by seven she was waiting tables in her father's cafe. A life gifted with food for thought and food for the table, she began creating recipes when she was just a young girl.


Raised in the Silicon Valley, she was exposed to the San Francisco Bay area's finest restaurants. Traveling through Europe with her parents, she was immersed in international cooking wisdom via the Italian and French countrysides. Her northern Italian family and friends have been entrepreneurs in the culinary arts for many generations. Interning at a few of the Bay Area's preeminent upscale dining establishments, she learned and perfected her craft.

Acclaimed for her imaginative cooking creations, she ventured into unknown territory and emerged with some of the finest low fat and fat free contemporary food creations that afford the health conscious Epicurean delights with less guilt.

Follow Melinda and she will ferry you into the delightful experience of culinary perfection in reduced fat dining.

Copyright 1995-2021 Melinda Perino-Bebb. All rights reserved. Information may not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the written consent of the owner.








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